toy people & peppers

I help food companies innovate better.

Innovating in the real world is not easy. Somewhere between 45% and 95% of new product launches are failures and there is no “one size fits all” solution. Each company has it’s own context and challenges which are constantly evolving as the company grows and markets change.

I bring practical solutions

I distilled my 30-year experience in BtoB and BtoC Food & Beverage innovation into a framework of Six Dimensions key to innovation success. I use this to help companies define and implement practical solutions that build their innovation ability.

to real world problems

Are your innovation practices are the best for your company?
What do you need to develop to get more from innovation?
How do you implement the changes you need?

that deliver benefits

More effective innovation. A higher success rate and more efficient use of resources.
More value, less effort.

solutions that improve innovation

Teams trained in key concepts and able to use specific innovation-enabling tools and techniques.
Organisations with clear roles and responsibilities.
Smoother processes to bring new products to market.
Sharper clarity on the strategic role of innovation.
Better cross-functional alignment and engagement on delivering the innovation the company needs.

how I work

An Innovation Health Check is a good place to start

It’s a fully confidential evaluation based on structured interviews with key innovation contributors that provides actionable feedback and recommendations.
You will have a uniquely clear, compete and structured view of your current innovation practices, providing a solid foundation for developing further.

The next steps depend on the results of the health check

Typically I work with key individuals and teams in workshops, training and coaching sessions to establish the customised solutions the company needs to unlock it’s innovation potential.
6 dimensions of innovation graphic

A Framework for Innovation Success.

Conceiving, developing, testing and commercialising an innovation is a transversal undertaking that requires effective teamwork across and outside the company.

To innovate successfully

You must define clearly what “innovation” means to your company, what it’s strategic role is and what it is expected to deliver over time. You need to ensure you have the right organisation, skills and processes in place to deliver the innovation you expect. And you must be able to measure and correct ongoing innovation performance.
Crucially, you must also ensure that people throughout the organisation have a shared understanding, commitment and motivation to deliver the innovation the company needs.

Your company is unique

There is no universal recipe for success, but the key elements that need to be put in place for any company fall into what I call the Six Dimensions Framework.

The Six Dimensions Framework

The Six Dimensions framework covers the elements that are essential for your company to innovate successfully.
The dimensions are interconnected and must work together smoothly to be effective.

I’m an engineer. I like to fix things.

From technical problems to business processes and complex organisational or strategic questions I like to help people find solutions and improvements and to put them in place so they work.

what I care about

I’ve worked for 30 years in BtoC and BtoB innovation for various global food companies. Now, I want to use all this experience to help more companies, large and small, to implement and develop their innovation activity to get the best for their business.

global to local

In my journey so far I have been based in the UK and France working at the consumer or customer-facing end of R&D. My roles have always had global and local dimensions; whether working on global projects, being the European member of a global R&D group or being responsible for the global R&D function overall.

BtoC with Unilever

In my time at Unilever I learned many of the core skills & competencies I carry with me today, not only in the R&D domain, but also in such things as project and programme management, people management and leadership.

BtoB with Diana Food & Symrise

With Diana Food I had the opportunity to put my abilities to the test in a fast-moving leveraged buyout with high growth, an agile organisation and quickly evolving needs. I was directly connected to the daily rhythm of business, working with my board colleagues to drive the company in both the short and long term. Later, I saw BtoB innovation in a larger organisation when Diana was acquired by Symrise in 2014.

real-life experience

I’ve lived the reality experienced by many innovation professionals around the world, notably the need to continually balance different elements of the job; delivering short and long-term programmes, taking global-to-local perspectives, managing Intellectual Property and open innovation, deploying resources for optimal return on investment.

based in France

Based in Brittany, France, I’m now helping people get the best out of their innovation activity. Please feel free to contact me to explore working together.